
Wason Ranch, established in the 1870s, has a rich history of mining, ranching, and family legacy, passing through generations and enduring significant events and transformations.

Wason & Wason Ranch Chronology

15 April 1832: Martin Van Buren Wason is born in Hudson, Hillsborough County New Hampshire

11 August 1839: Harriet Louise Castle is born in London, England

1851-52: Twelve year old Harriet Louise Castle comes to the United States

1856: Wason embarks on epic travel around the world with many alleged adventures and enterprises

1861: M.V.B. Wason is residing at 503 Commercial Street, San Francisco California

4 March 1866: Harriet Louise Castle marries Henry Hume Wilcox in Philadelphia Pennsylvania

5 January 1869: Henry Hume Wilcox,Jr. is born, first of three Wilcox children

1870: US Census lists Wason as a ranch owner in Deer Lodge Montana

1872-1882: Wason prospects and invests in mining properties in Baker’s Park and the San Juan Mining Districts

1874: Wason organizes a freighting business hauling mining supplies and equipment up the Rio Grande from Del Norte to Bakers Park

1875: Wason builds one-story, four room log home

July 1875: Wilcox family arrives in Del Norte Colorado

1876: Wilcox family lives between Del Norte and Summitville.

1877: Harriet Wilcox divorces husband Henry Wilcox

29 November 1877: Harriet L. Wilcox marries M.V.B. Wason, moves with her three children to Wason’s W Oxyoke ranch a few miles from Wagon Wheel Gap

1880: First of many Wason homestead patents is granted

30 October 1886: Fourteen year old Frank Wason dies in Denver, first of family burials in the family vault at Wason

July 1889: Nicholas C. Creede discovers silver up East Willow Creek

October 1890: Creede sells the Holy Moses to David Moffat, president of the Denver ands Rio Grande Railway and they form the Holy Moses Mining Company

30 December 1890: M.V.B. and H.L. Wason incorporate the Wason Toll Road and begin improving a road to the Holy Moses mine in East Willow Creek

23 May 1891: Toll Road opens to favorable review in the San Juan Prospector

19 September 1891: work begins on the Rio Grande-Gunnison Railway extending rails from Wagon Wheel Gap to Creede

2 December 1891: first train arrives in Creede camp

24 February 1892: Wason loses his lawsuit against the State School Board over cancellation of his agricultural lease

February 26 and 27 1892: School Land lots sale held

19 March 1892: Jimtown, Lower Creede and Upper Creede incorporated into the Town of Creede.

22 March 1892: Hal Wason marries Frances Rogers. They have two children, Norma and Loren.

5 June 1892: Creede virtually destroyed by fire

3 February 1893: Wason proposes his Town of Wason as the county seat of the to be formed Mineral County

7 November 1893: Wason loses election to Creede to determine Mineral County seat (the same day Colorado women are given the right to vote)

8 August 1893: Sherman Silver Purchase Act repealed, price of silver continues to fall and Creede’s boom is over

7 December 1894: Edith Wason dies at home and is interred in the family vault

28 September 1899: Wason sells his toll to the state for $10,000. He demanded cash payment.

17 February 1900: Mrs. Hal Wason dies and is interred in the family vault.

27 December 1903: M.V.B. Wason dies and is interred in the family vault.

16 August 1904: Harriet Louise Wason dies and is interred in the family vault.:

5 July 1923: The Wason Ranch is sold to the Fahnestock family

April 1936: Henry Hume (Hal) Wason dies and is interred in the family vault.

18 December 1960: Loren Wason dies, is cremated and his ashes spread in the family cemetery. He is the last descendent of Harriet Wason with the Wason name.

July 1963: The Wason Ranch is sold to the current owner, the Wason Ranch Corporation.